If you're looking for a Halloween costume that is 1. Tropical 2. Quirky and 3. Has the perfect opportunity for "nuts" jokes, look no further, fam. The Palm Tree Dress costume is a one piece son of a beach with ruffles, green palm leaves and fake coconuts right on top of your head. We refuse to make jokes about that, though. If your Halloween is in a colder climate, this will make everyone feel like they're on vacation. If you're in a warm climate, you can probably just blend right in with the scenery at the backyard party. And we're no arborists, but you're a prime specimen of tree-ery if we've ever seen one. Slip into the chillest, easiest Palm Tree Costume you've ever seen and make the whole town your ville of Margaritas this Halloween.

Women's Fashion Essentials Palm Tree Costume Dress