If there was ever a chance for you to accidentally bump into the hunky superhero of the sea (whose name we won't mention for legal reasons), Halloween is probably your best bet. So play to his personality with this Mermaid Dress costume. Combining a comfy top, sea-queen crown and the classic mermaid tail skirt, you'll be the tail that aquamen are chasing but can never catch. The Mermaid Costume Dress is a classic sea life outfit for Halloween, but please don't try to swim in it. The flipper is just for show and doesn't give you gills. Just put it on, post up on the couch or in the corner and act like a treasure waiting to be found. Preferably by a big muscular dude with a trident. Choose the Mermaid Costume Dress for Halloween and see what you can pick up when you cast your net this year.

Affordable Fashion for Women Mermaid Costume Dress